There Isn't Always Joy on the Journey to Motherhood

Episode 201 October 05, 2022 00:36:21
There Isn't Always Joy on the Journey to Motherhood
100 Huntley Street
There Isn't Always Joy on the Journey to Motherhood

Oct 05 2022 | 00:36:21


Hosted By

Cheryl Weber Lara Watson Mark Masri

Show Notes

Pregnancy and motherhood is widely regarded as the most joyful time in a woman's life, but for many the journey to motherhood isn't always an easy one. Many women struggle as they face infertility challenges, pregnancy loss, and overwhelming grief.
Today on the podcast Lara Watson & Mark Masri speak with two mothers who found themselves on the difficult journey to motherhood.

Sharing from her book "Courageously Expecting", Jenny Albers meets women in this difficult season as someone who has also experienced the worst but cautiously hoped for the best. She encourages readers to cling to faith in the face of fear that can often overshadow hope.

And Author Rachel Van Pelt shares her journey to motherhood and how she discovered the amazing work of God along her journey and the power of His "Sustaining Hope".

Guest Websites:
 Jenny Albers:
Rachel Van Pelt:

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