God is Always on the Side of the One Who Struggles

Episode 415 June 04, 2024 00:38:59
God is Always on the Side of the One Who Struggles
100 Huntley Street
God is Always on the Side of the One Who Struggles

Jun 04 2024 | 00:38:59


Hosted By

Cheryl Weber Lara Watson Mark Masri

Show Notes

If you are in a season of suffering and you need encouragement then this conversation is for you. On the podcast we have Best-Selling Author and Thinker Philip Yancey. Philip has more than 17 million books in print, in over 50 languages and joins us to share about his life-changing devotional, “Undone: A Modern Rendering of John Donne’s Devotions.” A 30 day devotional based on a 400 year old manuscript (Devotions Upon Emergent Occasion) written by a scholar and poet named John Donne. Philip wanted to bring his wisdom to more people and share that the journey is the same today when it comes to a person and how they wrestle with God. We all have the same sort of questions for God, universal human themes about finding meaning and suffering. We all have the same promise of hope. Phil also shares his journey of being recently diagnosed with Parkinsons disease and making the decision to trust God with it, trusting that he could grow closer to God through his challenge. He shares how we can all stay motivated through suffering if we truly believe that God can work in what is going on around us.
Guest Website: https://philipyancey.com
Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at www.crossroads.ca/247prayer

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