Making Singles Feel Comfortable Inside the Church

Episode 301 February 08, 2023 00:29:45
Making Singles Feel Comfortable Inside the Church
100 Huntley Street
Making Singles Feel Comfortable Inside the Church

Feb 08 2023 | 00:29:45


Hosted By

Cheryl Weber Lara Watson Mark Masri

Show Notes

How are Christian singles perceived within the church? In what ways do they feel like they belong, and in what ways are they feeling excluded?

Today on the podcast Cheryl Weber is joined by two very special guests.

Pastor Tania Meikle is Co-Founder & Co-Lead Pastor of Kingdom House Christian Centre in Brampton, Ontario who has a genuine love for people and is passionate about community and making a place for everyone to feel welcomed within the church.

Meisha Watson also joins us to share her journey of singleness within the church and a new project she is launching!


Pastor Tania Meikle 

Meisha Watson 

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