Latest Episodes

A Faith That Can Impact Your Diagnosis
Today on the podcast we hear stories of the impact God can have when facing health challenges in our lives. Cancer is the leading...

Journey to the Cross
Joe Amaral joins us for the first time on the podcast to dive into the connection between Passover and Easter. Although many may wonder...

Finding Peace in the Face of War
How can someone find peace when faced with great turmoil, in the midst of war? Today on the podcast we bring you inspiring stories...

Love in the Face of Depression
"What does it mean to face depression while living out God's calling on your life. Would your friends and family stand by your side?...

Becoming yourself in Christ
We live in a culture that tells us money, fame, and success won’t only make us worthy but make us feel worthy. Today on...

Duck Dynasty's Legacy of Faith
Are you ready for a duck invasion? A Duck Dynasty Invasion to be exact? Today on the podcast we bring you two interviews from...