In society today there is often a negative stigma connected to fear. Today on the podcast gifted communicator, and best-selling author John Bevere joins us to share from his book, “The Awe of God”. John tackles what it means to “fear God” and how many of us as Christians may be missing the mark in this specific area. He tackles understanding the dynamics of Godly fear, and shares distinct benefits of what it means to walk in the holy fear of God. Sharing that there are destructive fears but also constructive fears that can bring you into a closer more intimate relationship with God. Guest Website: Prayer LINES: 1-866-273-4444 / Or connect with us online at |
Society has an obsession with the supernatural and today on the podcast Dr. Jon Thompson shares with Mark Masri and Lara Watson from his...
Many people know the name John Tesh and his syndicated radio show “Intelligence for Your Life”, John Tesh has achieved more in life than...
What makes you, you? Today we are joined by Author, Pastor, Podcaster and Leadership Expert, Daniel Im. Through personable stories, research, and pastoral insight, ...